CCEA: Primary Languages

The Council for Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment (CCEA) are the largest publisher of educational materials in Northern Ireland. Our team has been collaborating with CCEA since 2010 creating hundreds of interactive learning resources. CCEA has utilized both Seedling’s development services and the Seedling Generate authoring platform.

The Brief

Seedling was engaged to create a series of learning activities, in Irish, French, Spanish and German, for the Primary Languages teaching within Northern Ireland schools.

Watch our showreel video for CCEA Primary Languages.


The solution for this project utilized a combination of our content development services and Seedling GenerateOur designers collaborated with CCEA’s in-house multimedia team to plan a series of stories, games and activities that can be used in the classroom and at home. 
  • Our design team worked with CCEA’s art department to integrate their book characters and illustrations into each template. 
  • We set up the templates and integrated them into Seedling Generate.
  • Together with CCEA we built out the resource in each language using the Seedling Generate authoring capability.
  • CCEA’s editorial team logged into Generate to make minor edits and adjustments to the content as they proofed the materials.

End Result

Seedling and CCEA produced over 90 dynamic language activities for the Primary Languages resource, on-time and within-budget. CCEA exported all activities from Seedling Generate as HTML5 packages which they integrated into their website. The HTML5 games run on all major web browsers, are compatible with all major devices and are fast loading, even on slow school networks. The original activities are securely stored within Seedling Generate should the CCEA team ever need to edit them or build additional resources. 

Products & Services:

The Primary Languages resources are available to all primary schools in Northern Ireland witht he potential to be experienced by – over 181,000 pupils and teachers.

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How CCEA created 90+ activities using Seedling Generate

Our internal team built out the first draft of all games using Seedling Generate. We then provided the CCEA editorial team ‘editor access’. They were then able to share, review, edit and approve the activities. The games were then output as HTML5 packages and uploaded to the CCEA website by their IT team.