Help the Turkeys escape the farm before Thanksgiving!

Seedling Generate has been used to create hundreds of learning resources in many languages. Enjoy this fun game and learn how to say ‘thank you’ in ten different languages.
How well do you know the geography of California …in Spanish?
Seedling Generate has been used to create hundreds of learning resources in many languages. Enjoy this fun game and test your knowledge of Californian geography. Find out more about Seedling Generate.
Primary Languages

CCEA: Primary Languages The Council for Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment (CCEA) are the largest publisher of educational materials in Northern Ireland. Our team has been collaborating with CCEA since 2010 creating hundreds of interactive learning resources. CCEA has utilized both Seedling’s development services and the Seedling Generate authoring platform. The Brief Seedling was engaged to create […]
Spell It!

Folens Publishers: Spell It! Folens Publishers assigned Seedling to produce digital materials for their English Literacy programme, “Spell It!”, which is used by 1st to 6th class students in Irish schools. The Brief Folens assigned Seedling to produce digital materials for their English Literacy programme, “Spell It!”, which is used by 1st to 6th class […]
Rocket Phonics

Hodder Education: Rocket Phonics Hodder Education has been established for over 150 years, designing and delivering pedagogically robust materials for students aged 4-16+. The Brief Seedling was engaged to create interactive content for Hodder’s ‘Rocket Phonics’ programme. We partnered with Hodder Education to create learning games that complemented the programme’s existing set of nine books. […]